Conditions for implementing the circular economy in the industry of Russian Federation

  • Титова Наталья Юрьевна

    N. Yu. Titova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


Contemporary challenges of the world system, including globalization, crisis of resource and raw material model of development, introduction of the fourth industrial revolution, emphasize the need to modernize the Russian industry, the instrument of which will be the introduction of organizational and economic mechanisms aimed at increasing responsibility for the growing environmental problems due to limited natural resources. At present, the solution to this problem is to use the concept of circular economy in industry. In this regard, of particular interest is the study of the theoretical foundations of the application of this concept in the Russian economy.
The purpose of this scientific research is to determine the conditions for the development of a circular economy in Russian industry and to develop an organizational mechanism for introducing a closed-loop economy. Using the methods of bibliometric and content analysis, the author determined the origins of the concept of the circular economy, highlighted the main modern directions of its development. It is indicated that the key conditions for introducing a closed-loop economy in industry are the introduction of an environmental management system focused on accounting for production waste, state support for environmental initiatives and the mandatory participation of consumers in ensuring recycling of the production process. The novelty of the study consists in the development, using methods of analysis, synthesis and a systematic approach, of indicators for assessing the conditions for introducing a circular economy of an industrial organization and an organizational mechanism aimed at introducing this concept. The conclusion is made that the indicated conditions require structural modernization of the industry.
Keywords: circular economy, sustainable development, industry, organizational mechanism,
government regulation.
